Bring on the Love….a wish for 2022.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

2021 is coming to a close and a new year is upon us. It has been a difficult ride. The world is undergoing a huge transformation and as all change goes, it can be painful and grueling. How do we bring about a positive outcome? How do we shine the light in places of darkness? As I contemplate the details of these questions, I continue to get one simple and consistent answer. 


Love is a powerful energy. 

It drives us to do things we would never otherwise do. 

It lifts us to the highest elevation. 

It makes us feel invincible and free. 

It gives us unbounded courage, and catalyzes changes, always for the better. 

It leads us to new horizons. 

It breaks down limiting barriers. 

It takes us on exciting adventures. 

It gives us clarity where there is no understanding. 

It dominates hatred. 

It never discriminates.

It connects us to one another.

It ignites our passions and uncovers our greatest potential. 

Love is the answer, the action, the direction, the plan, and when we follow its pull and embrace its power, we will always win and peace and happiness will inevitably prevail. 

I hope in 2022 you all find the courage to be your best self, the strength to weather the storm, the trust to follow your intuition, and the wisdom to answer every question and action with love, wherever it may lead.  Namaste and Happy New Year.

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